Exercise Guides

Welcome to our Physical Therapy Exercise Guides category! You will find detailed guides of the best physical therapy exercises for specific conditions here. Our expert team of writers and physical therapists have carefully researched each exercise or stretch to ensure that you are getting the most accurate and up-to-date information. From stretches to strengthening to mobility drills, and resistance exercises, we have everything you need to make informed exercise choices. Our guides will help you find the perfect physical therapy exercises to enhance your physical therapy experience and achieve your goals. Browse our articles and start your journey toward a successful recovery today!

The Best Hip-Strengthening Exercises for Pickleball Players: Enhance Your Performance

The Best Hip-Strengthening Exercises for Pickleball Players: Enhance Your Performance

Pickleball demands quick lateral movements, sudden stops, and the ability to pivot—all actions that hinge on strong and flexible hips. As participants engage in the sport, the hips power their movements, giving them the agility needed on the court. Therefore, incorporating hip-strengthening exercises into their training routines is vital to enhance performance and prevent injuries. […]

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The 5 Best Strengthening Exercises for Adult Hip Dysplasia: A Comprehensive Guide

Adult hip dysplasia is a condition that can cause discomfort and limited mobility, making everyday activities challenging for those affected. Understanding the role of strengthening exercises in managing this condition is essential to improving overall hip health and function. The incidence of hip dysplasia in the adult population ranges from 1.7 to 20 % in the

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The Best Strengthening Exercises for the Piriformis:

The Best Strengthening Exercises for the Piriformis: A Comprehensive Guide

The piriformis muscle, located deep within the buttock region, plays a crucial role in hip and lower limb movement. This often-overlooked muscle can be responsible for significant pain and discomfort if it becomes tight or weak. It’s essential to understand how to properly strengthen the piriformis muscle to promote overall hip health and prevent common

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The Best Exercises for Glute Maximus Strengthening

The Best Exercises for Glute Maximus Strengthening: Expert Recommendations and Research Insights

The glute maximus, the largest and most powerful muscle of the buttocks, plays a crucial role in various movements, such as walking, running, jumping, and squatting. Strengthening this muscle not only enhances athletic performance but also helps prevent injuries and lower back pain. A systematic review of common strength exercises that activate the gluteus maximus

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How to Do a Single-Leg Bridge: Proper Form and Modifications

If you’re an athlete, physical therapy patient, or anyone looking to improve their health through exercise, you may wonder how to properly do a single-leg bridge. This exercise is key to building strength in your lower body, helps with multiple muscle and joint issues, and can help improve your overall health and athletic performance. The

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The 5 Best Strengthening Exercises for a Glute Minimus Tear: Regaining Strength

A gluteus minimus tear can be a painful and debilitating injury. The glute minimus muscle is located on the side of the hip and is responsible for stabilizing the pelvis during walking, running, and keeping us upright during single leg stance. A tear in this muscle can cause weakness, pain, and difficulty with everyday activities.

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Glute Minimus Tear: Non-Surgical Treatment Options

Glute Minimus Tear: Non-Surgical Treatment Options Explained

A gluteus minimus tear can bring discomfort and impede daily activities. Thankfully, surgical intervention is not the only solution. Various non-invasive treatments can alleviate pain and restore function. In this article, we will explore some of these effective alternatives to help individuals suffering from this condition return to their normal routines. The gluteus minimus is

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How to Do the Side Lying Clamshell Exercise

How to Do the Side Lying Clamshell Exercise (With Perfect Form)

Are you looking for an exercise that can strengthen your hips and pelvis? Look no further than the side-lying clamshell! This simple yet effective exercise is a staple in physical therapy and personal training programs alike. Whether you’re short on time or don’t have access to a lot of equipment, the side-lying clamshell is a

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